Monday, April 13, 2009

A taste of discrimination...

Today was really a hard day I should say... I single-handedly took care of all the photocopying and paperworks as Felix (my work buddy and good friend)was not able to go to work today because his mother was sick.. there was a lot of work for me today.. I began photocopying from 8:30 in the morning up to 10:30 more or less... then paperworks again.. haha! but I was enjoying every bit of it... hell yeah...

anyweiz.. I was not really alone.. there was this new batch of OJTs... law students from one prestigious university ( I wouldn't dare mention it for now.. Just for now... haha!). from there I thought we were all just the same... They underwent the same starting procedure as me and Felix started it... But then.. having a lil' bit of free time, ( a time to breath,.. haha! ) I realized I was having a taste of my first discrimination ( first hand! ) I saw the law students touring the northern part of the office and having themselves introduced to some of the lawyers there... A thing that we haven't experienced during our first day... they were welcomed as warm a s a friend.. of course.. they are law students compared to Political Science students like me and Felix..

But that was okay.. I'm still enjoying the warm company of my new set of friends.. the district office staff members... ( I'm thinking of making an article about them.. but maybe not so soon.. ) And of course, the lawyers that have been smiling and greeting me ever since my first day at the office... ( another article for them I'm sure )

Honestly, the feeling of discrimination did not last that much... I soon realized that maybe we are just not on the same level.. And everything's fine... I was doing great the wholeday and surprisingly, boredom didn't visit me at all.. for as long as there are orders coming from my friendly staff members and lawyers.. I will enjoy the office experience as much as I enjoy my school days...

see ya' next post guys!
